
“Hier und Anderswo”, acrylic paint, inkt, pencils and mixed media on 3 canvas, 120 x 40 cm / 120 x 60 cm / 120 x 40 cm, 2023, (SOLD)


This triptych explores time and place. A figure in Lederhose represents my Bavarian roots, while a puppet-like dancing woman symbolises constrained joy. The right figure swept by the wind signifies a yearning for freedom. Abstract, wild layers of acrylic and ink reflect the tension between past comfort and future aspirations.

Jury Rapport “Painting of the year”:

Three paintings in one work. The smooth strokes clearly show that they are by the same artist. They are three detached figures that dominate each panel of the triptych. The whole is loosely painted quickly and skillfully. Some more elaborate details appear here and there. Which are most lacking in the right-hand section. In a way, that work seems unfinished. The grey in the middle panel does very well. It brings a bit of calm to these three panels. The recurring horizontal ‘drips’ also play a unifying role in this work. This work is painted with a lot of daring.
